YSL GlOSS PUR pure lipgloss 2
This is my first Beauty post on Cindiddy.com so i guess its only right to talk a little bit about it.

here goes...
1- Concealer-
BOBBI BROWN- cream concealer in BEIGE. This is by far the best cover i have used for my dark circles and in the tiny container there is also loose powder(in PALE YELLOW) its perfect for my tiny make up bag. I tend to use cream concealers in the winter cause obviously the weather is dryer n i just prefer a sheer finish.
YSL- touche eclat radiant touch # 2. This is an all in one click pen concealer, i use this in the summer its rather dry but with the heat, the sweat and the face oil it's not bad at all. It also doubles as a highlighter so you can use it to highlight your brows, nose ..basically anywhere you want highlighted i guess. haha.
2- Highlighters
BENEFIT- Ooh la lift and high brow. basically just any other highlighter i mainly use it on my brow bone. Sometimes when my Dark circles look really bad a put a layer of Ooh la lift on my eyes before concealer. The high brow is also great for your waterlines it works better then regular white eyeliners because its softer and sticks better which means you dont have to torture your eyes to get it on.
3- Brows
SHU UEMURA-hard formula HARD 9. No fuss its a great brow pencil. easy to rub off if you make a mistake.
BENEFIT- Speed Brow. Basically a brow gel. It's in a tiny tube again perfect for my make up bag. It has a light brown tint to it so sometimes when im not really going anywhere but wanna look decent i just use this. It's the best out there... i asure you. haha
4- Eye Liner.
Super Quick eyeliner EX. I havent found the perfect eyeliner yet so im still searching and always trying new brands.
5- Lashes
Shiseido curler. yes its amazing.
SANA Extra large Mascara- I stock up on this, im not even kidding it's the best mascara i've used in a LONGG time. Different people have different preferences on what they want their lashes to look like. For me i just want them longer, thicker, light! with a bit more volume. Im not sure if it's water proof or not but i dont really care.
6- Blush
BlushCreme PEARL. It's not great...but its creme and i dont need to use a brush for it....
(NO BRUSH POLICY!!! hahaha i dont own too many brushes, i have a full set but i hardly use it, i just feel like everytime i use brushes to put on my make up ... i look MADE UP. so .. i stick with using my fingers. Plus like i said i have a tiny make up bag. i nearly never use eye shadow.

TIPS as requested: how does ur color not bleed? When applying Vibrant colored lipstick (especially the lighter colors) always put some concealer around the edge and a bit on your lips, it helps to even out the color of your lips, it makes an easier application and helps it not to "Bleed". I dont put on lip balm when i put on these lipsticks cause its easier to rub off and its takes from the color. I like lip gloss put on top of lighter colored lipsticks and keep darker colored lips matt.( just personal preferences)
that's all.
i love that hot pink colour. its so bubble gummy.
i love the title. look like one, really. amazing color! suits you well.
Perfection on you!
wow you look like a doll in these pictures. its so strange, but beautiful! i love buying lipstick, it makes such a difference :) great blog, check out mine.
you look like a doll! this lipstick is gorgeous on you and I adore the contrast between the pik and the glasses!
also, your skin is so beautiful!
the pink looks cute on you!
woah! pink lipstick...thats a very brave move, gurl!
whoa?? is that you?? so manequin look like! nice lip color.it suits you.
cindy, i can't get over how flawless ur skin is!!!!!! u mind posting/sharing some tips or products u use? (im sure it's great genes!) u weal lipsticks well, from this pink color to the darker shades...how does ur color not bleed? sorry for all these Q's...thanks
could you be any more flawless?
WOW! Perfection dear!
Mmmm I like that colour lippy!
xo k
you look like a sweet doll
You have gorgeous skin. And that lip colour is fantastic.
Thanks for the tips.
Love Grace.
I am in love with that lipstick color! It looks stunning on you too!
I actually took pictures of my makeup today, but was so rainy, it came too dark - so I gave up.
nice colour of lipstic, but..
c'mon people, so goodloooking skin is photoshop
You really look like a Mannequin!
I love the lipstick and the photos!
i love u. jajajjajajajajajjajjajajajajajjaajajja!
u r a perfect doll/fish!!!
go back to the sea.....hahahhahahahha!
thanks for posting abt ur make up..so sweet of u...request granted...=) but if i had ur skin i wouldnt wear make up...like i said before...flawless is the word! -naiyana
really fun beauty post
love those lip colors on you
check out my blog @
Stila Smudge pot for eyeliner.
Woah, awesome photos. Loving your makeup...
The color is amazing. You look like a doll on these pictures...
amazing color, love the potos!
thanks for the tips and for letting us into your makeup bag :)
trinsch from www.senseofashion.com
Don't know if you'd like it but I personally love NARS eyeliners! Black Moon is what I've been using for YEARS!
hey! the lipstick has awesome colour. and your skin looks flawless. i wonder what the coral YSL would look like on me.
omg your skin. it's crazy perfect. i'm so jealous!
hi, love your make-up. Love the poppy colours of your lips and sunglass and the perfect skin.
xoxo zola
Wow...your skin is perfect:)
The shade looks great and worn with the raybans creates this really nice ice-cream colours combo
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